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Qu'est-ce que le télétravail
What exactly is telework? News

What exactly is telework?

If you have been looking for work-from-home opportunities, but don’t know where to start in your job search, consider exploring telework roles. These are remote jobs that utilize modern telecommunication techniques to complete tasks. Since the Covid-19 lockdowns, telework has surged in popularity. If you think telework could be for…
How to close a sale News

How to close a sale

The art of the deal is what business is all about. If you want to close sales, you need to understand the sales cycle, have a supportive sales team behind you, and have mastered your overall marketing strategy and sales closing techniques. In this article, we explore the nuances that…
L'appel à froid fonctionne
Does cold calling still work? News

Does cold calling still work?

If you own a business and are looking for new ways to generate leads, chances are that you have looked into cold calling. Many businesses leverage cold calling in order to make contact with new clients and generate sales. Although it’s an effective method, with 82% of buyers saying they…
Pourquoi externaliser le marketing
Why outsource your marketing? News

Why outsource your marketing?

When it comes to marketing, small businesses often feel overwhelmed. There are just so many things to do, and it can be hard to know where to start. That's where outsourcing comes in. This means hiring someone else to do some or all of your marketing for you, whether it's…
Acquisition de clients
What is customer acquisition? News

What is customer acquisition?

Every firm depends on its customers. It’s therefore important to develop a plan to consistently attract new clients. However, the cost of customer acquisition has increased by 50% over the previous five years. A key area of concern is the lack of a clear plan, on the part of many…

Telemarketing on a human scale!

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